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Councillors and Committees

Find your Councillor,  information about committees agendas and minutes.

Find your Councillor

Search by name, ward or political party.

Schedule of Meetings

Calendar of Meetings.


View committee structure, documents and who attends.

Search Committee Papers

Use this search facility to find reports, agendas and minutes for all committee meetings.

Attendance at Meetings

Councillors attend many different council meetings. View records of their attendance.

Scrutiny Committees

Find out more about the Scrutiny Committees at Merthyr Tydfil.

Salaries, Expenses and Allowances

Find out about salaries, allowances and expenses paid to our Councillors.

Councillor Code of Conduct

Sets out rules governing the behaviour of our members.

South Wales Police and Crime Panel

Find out more about the SWPCP, which Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is the host authority.

The role of a Councillor

What a Councillor does after they have been elected.

Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Cabinet

Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Cabinet

Cwm Taf Public Services Board Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Cwm Taf Public Services Board Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Cabinet Forward Work Programme

The Forward Work Programme details decisions the Cabinet expects to take over the coming four months.