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Ref Received Question
FOI 11047 12/11/2024 I would like to request the following information regarding child protection in the UK. Please provide answers on the attached and accompanying sp...
FOI 11062 19/11/2024 Please provide the following information, broken down by the financial years 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24: 1. Total consultancy spending o The t...
FOI 11092 03/12/2024 I am requesting the following information - Registration number: Make: Model: of all vehicles licensed as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for...
FOI 11094 03/12/2024 a. What is the total number of residential houses and flats that this local authority currently owns or rents? b. How many of this local authority...
FOI 11101 09/12/2024 1a) Please let me know if the council has ever leased any properties from third parties on behalf of refugees? 1b) Please let me know how many t...
EIR 2140 09/12/2024 How many insurance liability claims have you received in the last three calendar years (2024, 2023, 2022) related to surface water flooding (i.e. f...
EIR 2142 12/12/2024 Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Please could you provide the information bel...
FOI 11108 12/12/2024 1. Please provide the number of children by age for the last reporting year (year ending 31st March) and for the last 5 reporting years who were re...
EIR 2147 13/12/2024 1. Do you have a Car Parking Permitting System – Y/N a. If Yes: i. Who is the provider ii. When were they appointed iii. When does the agreeme...
FOI 11113 16/12/2024 I am specifically interested in the provision of parenting support in non-English languages. 1. In the last year for which records are avai...