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Examination of the Merthyr Tydfil Replacement LDP

Current Position

Publication of the Inspector’s Report

The Inspector’s Report into the Replacement Merthyr Tydfil Local Development Plan (LDP) 2016 – 2031 was submitted to the Council and Welsh Government on 17th December 2019.

The Inspector concluded that, subject to the recommended changes set out in the Appendix of the Report, the Replacement Local Development Plan is sound.  The Report, covering letter and further information on the adoption date can be found on the Council’s website at

The publication of the Inspector’s Report concludes the Examination process.  Any queries regarding the Inspector’s Report or the Replacement LDP should be directed to the Council’s Planning Policy Team. 


30 December 2019: The Inspector's Report has now been received by the Council and is published as exam doc ED062. 

ED062  Merthyr LDP Inspector's Report (17.12.19)


31 October 2019: The following communications between the Inspector and the Council regarding NRW's comments on the MACs are published under exam doc ref ED061.

ED061 Inspector's letter to Council re NRW's comments on the MACs (28.1019) 


24 October 2019: The Register of Representations made to the proposed Matters Arising Changes (MACs) has been published as exam doc ED060, and has been sent to the Inspector for his consideration.


Matters Arising Changes (MACs) Public Consultation – Monday 9th September to 21st October 2019. 

Please refer to First Replacement Local Development Plan 2016-2013 for further information and how to submit comments.

ED055 Schedule of Matters Arising Changes to the Replacement Deposit Plan (September 2019)

ED056 Replacement Deposit Plan Written Statement as amended by the Matters Arising Changes (September 2019)

ED057 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report Addendum (September 2019)

ED058 Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) Appropriate Assessment (AA) Report Addendum (September 2019) 

ED059  - Notice of Matters Arising Changes Public Consultation

Interested parties should regularly check the Examination Documents section of the examination library for all up to date correspondence and documents submitted in relation to the examination. 


Planning Inspector

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council (MTCBC) submitted a ‘Deposit Plan’ for the Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) to the Ministers of the Welsh Government for independent examination on 21 January 2019, followed by the results of the Focused Changes public consultation on 18 March 2019. Following formal acceptance of the submitted LDP on 20 March 2019, the Ministers of the Welsh Government have appointed Mr Paul Selby BEng (Hons) MSc MRTPI to conduct the independent examination to assess the soundness of the LDP. On completion of the Examination, the Inspector will issue a Report for the Council giving recommendations for action which will be binding on the Council.

Programme Officer

The Examination process will be administered by the Programme Officer, Mrs Tracey Smith who is independent of the Council and will work under the direction of the Inspector. All communications / enquiries regarding the Examination (including correspondence for the Inspector) should be addressed to the Programme Officer using the following contact details:

Examination process 

The formal Hearing Sessions of the Examination will consider the content of the LDP and deal with the representations on the Deposit Plan and the Focused Changes that have been duly made during the public consultation process.  The specific dates for the full hearings schedule will available to view in the Hearings Programme document in due course, but are likely to be held in the Spring/Summer 2019. 

The Inspector may call a pre-hearing meeting to discuss procedural issues or an exploratory meeting shortly after submission if he has issues requiring further investigation before proceeding with the examination.

After the Hearings have been formally closed, the Examination remains open until the Inspector's Report is submitted to the Council. However, no further representations or evidence will be accepted after the hearing sessions unless specifically requested by the Inspector.

Examination Library

  • Examination Documents can be viewed here.
  • Council's Submission Documents can be viewed here.

Examination timetable:

  • Date of Submission of the LDP: 21 January 2019 followed by Focussed Changes representations on 18 March 2019
  • Hearings commence: 25 June 2019
  • Inspector's report: 17 December 2019